Monday, March 24, 2008

Globalization: Competition Prompting For A Better Society

Some affects of globalization have been questioned but the most promising affect that I see is the competition that it has brought about. There was a time when once a person specialized in an area they didn’t have to worry about furthering their education or specializing within a specialty, but I a proud to say that I belong to a generation that will have to work harder than the generations before ours. In order for us to stay competitive in our careers we will have to further our education and go for regular professional developmental courses to stay up to date. There are some who are afraid of the competition that globalization brings about but I think that those people are lazy. If you are afraid of competition then go into the military that way you can work in your desired field and not have to worry about your job being outsourced. For other people who love competition choose you professions and be the best you can be by attaining higher education and taking constant professional developmental courses.

There have been professions that required constant professional developmental training like the medical professions, and you don’t hear people complaining about that but when it comes to an Accounting professional that has to deal with a new more computer based system or the fact that some one else can do the job cheaper that brings about fear. Competition is what makes economies thrive it is what builds human capital. Competition could only be a bad thing for some one who isn’t on top of their game. So for the Accounting professional that is in fear of their job being in danger, start your own online based accounting business to cut costs and expenses, get a federal job, find a way to be the best at your profession, don’t run from the competition, join it!

I know that a lot of people will disagree with what I’ve said but I am speaking in regards to the Globalization of jobs and the competition that it brings about, as history has shown competition has never been a bad thing it has only had out comes that benefited society as a whole. I you think that I am wrong please give me an economic example of a time when competition has done harm to an economy. If competition isn’t a positive affect then, why do you think people are still choosing professions that can be outsourced? I’ll answer my own question, it is because they are ready and able to take on the competition full force and it’s that type of determination that will prompt for a better society with some of the most knowledge professionals that the world has ever seen. We will have a society of people who specialize with in specialties and who are not limited by their educational majors but have endless career opportunities.


Tre said...

I think that we can all agree that globalization has tremendous upside, but just because a person is afriad of the competition doesn't mean that they are lazy. There's nothing wrong with being a little concerened or fearing the competition because there is no job security. However, it is important that we do everything we can to stay ahead of the competition regardless of our fears. While its true that there has been economic competition in the past, there has never been competition between so many people for so few jobs ever before. As for the idea that globalization is prompting for a better society, that isn't true for everyone. Even the people who welcome the challenge of the competition that will increase that doesn't mean that there jobs will be secure. There will be lots of poeple without jobs or with low paying jobs and to them the society won't be better.

Alkip said...
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Alkip said...

I totally agree with tae when he says that competition is good and benefits everyone in the long run, but, it is not necessarily their laziness that causes them to be concerned about job security and competition. Most people have families that they support and to not have a job would at any point of time would be disastrous. In my family for example, my husband supports his family in India too. For us, we take competition in stride, we see the opportunities it opens up for us and have used it to the fullest. Competition brings about the best in people, they work harder and utilize critical thinking to start new industries, creating new job opportunities.