Monday, February 18, 2008

Globalization: What Can We Expect?

The term globalization has become very popular in recent times. The world is becoming more and more leveled economically and technologically than ever before. As Thomas Friedman discusses in his book The World Is Flat, these changes have come about as a result of advances of the web, outsourcing, and many other factors. Globalization is good in the sense that it is making the world a tighter knit place, but not everything about it is positive. Things such as losing jobs, immigration, and violations of human rights have come about because of globalization also. It makes us wonder, is globalization, or so called “leveling the playing field”, going to have good results or a dire outcome?

As Americans, the affects of globalization can really hit close to home. Many important, well-paying jobs can now be done by people in different countries who will do the work for much cheaper. Since the Y2K incident offshore outsourcing has become increasingly popular. The internet and email have made it possible for people on separate sides of the world to communicate. Jobs like radiology and accounting are just acouple of examples of what can be done by people in other countries for a decreased cost. This raises the question, in the future will Americans, and occupants of the more developed countries, have to rethink the careers they want to pursue?

Global competition is definitely escalating as time passes. The world is becoming smaller and more leveled with each advancement of technology. It is up to us to prepare for the undeniable changes that globalization will bring. We need to figure out how to best prepare so we are not taken without notice. Is there really a way we can be totally aware of the affects globalization holds in the future, or will we be left to wait and see?



Tae said...

You are correct in the points that you have raised but I think the only way to see what the long term effects of globalization will be to wait. However, it is wise for a person not to fight the movement but join the movement so that they won't be left behind. In time it might prove that globalization's positive effects out weighed it's negative effects by cauisng individuals to stay competitive in job markets and things of that sort. But the only way to tell is to wait and see!

Tre said...

I don't believe there are many great aspects about global warming. Jobs are being lost just so already wealthy companies can make more money which is just ridiculous. I agree with Tae because the most that any of us can do is just wait and see what will develop next. The uncertainty in itself is a negative aspect to global warming. How is a person suppose to stay prepared to compete whe they don't know what to expect?

Alkip said...

I believe that there is no way to predict the future and to be absolutely ready for it, but, change is a good thing. Even if you loose your job due to change in technology or outsourcing offshore, you are not going to remain that way forever! As human beings,we evolve and move on dnd suit ourselves to match our sorroundings and, who knows, better prospects due to globalization will lead to better jobs in the future ...for us and the generations to come.